‘afinazeni | Archive | SoloExhibition
15 Nov 2021 – 31 JAN 2022
8:00AM – 4:00PM
Virtual Opening of the full video exhibition on the YouTube Channel of Galeri Al Biruni.
Inaugural link
e catalog :
Development in Years is an exhibition that compiles the continuation of artworks and its creation process which concerns problem solving as well as relevant issues of daily life and its surroundings. It is an on-going art project that had taken years to materialize. In the interest of students and art lovers, this exhibition stresses the presentation and strive to focus on processes, from one point to the next.
All activities had been started since November 2020, which comprises of documentations, work-making, education and manufacturing. It is now compiled in a documented form to be presented to the public. This exhibition also serves as a judging venue for the on-going Young Contemporaries competition (Bakat Muda Sezaman 2021) with its current theme of Art On-Site.
It is hoped that such endeavour would provide benefit to all audiences. It all started here, not to merely appealing to the judging process but to also serve as a platform towards a more critical effort that serves to empower and nurture the nature at large, as well as encouraging humanistic co-opertive spirit of a state or a nation.
Pada 19 Dis 2021, pameran Development In Years (DIY) yang di adakan di Galeri Al-Biruni UiTM Seri Iskandar telah menerima kujungan hormat daripada Pengarah Pengurusan Pameran, Koleksi & Konservasi, Balai Seni Negara iaitu Puan Zanita Anuar. Turut serta Pengasas Fergana Art Galeri, Kuala Lumpur dan juga merupakan kurator iaitu Encik Jaafar Ismail. Pihak galeri Al-Birunni mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih atas kesudian dua nama besar ini dalam menyantuni Pameran DIY.
For more information, go to the page link :
Pameran Development In Years (DIY)